한국형 순환여과시스템 (K-RAS) 선도 기업 원진

오랜 경험과 함께 축적된 기술력으로 다양한 양식환경에서도 사용자 편리성을 갖춘 원스톱 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다.

Wonjin, a leading company in Korean Recirculating

Aquacultre system (K-RAS) and BioFloc Aquaculture system (BFT)

We provide one-stop service for client convenience in various aquaculture environments with accumulated real technology along with long experience.

새우 바이오플락(SHRIMP BIO-FLOC., BFT) 

시스템 기술 선도

독자적인 K-RAS 시스템을 토대로 

완성하는 친환경 새우 양식 기술 

바이오 플락(BIO-FLOC)

We prove the eco-friendly shrimp farming technology based on the unique BIO-FLOC Technology

한국형 순환여과시스템(K-RAS)

선도기업 원진

오랜 경험과 함께 축적된 기술력으로 

다양한 양식환경에서도 사용자 편리성을 갖춘 

원스톱 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다.

Wonjin, a leading company in Korean Recirculating Aquacultre system (K-RAS) and BioFloc Aquaculture system (BFT)

We provide one-stop service for client convenience in various aquaculture environments with accumulated real technology along with long experience.

mobile background

Main Products

We are able to provide a wide range of customized solutions, from products from trusted brands to manufactured products made with Korean engineering technology.

Summary of Reference list

22 Projects

Design & Construction service for Shrimp BFT farm

123 Projects

Design and/or Construction service of water treatment system for the fish farmer

7 Projects

Design and/or Construction service of Aquaculture system for company

9 Projects

Design and/or Construction service of Fishermen's Cooperative Seafood Agency Mart

새우 바이오플록(SHRIMP BIO-FLOC., BFT) 시스템 기술 선도

We prove the eco-friendly shrimp farming technology based on the unique BIO-FLOC Technology

Summary of Reference list

22 Projects

Design & Construction service

for Shrimp BFT farm

123 Projects

Design and/or Construction service of water treatment system for the fish farmer

7 Projects

Design and/or Construction service of Aquaculture system for company

9 Projects

Design and/or Construction service of Fishermen's Cooperative Seafood Agency Mart

Main Products

We are able to provide a wide range of customized solutions, from products from trusted brands to manufactured products made with Korean engineering technology.

Global Business Partners

원진은 글로벌 기업들과 함께 더 나은 서비스를 위해 일하고 있습니다.

Global Business Partners

원진은 글로벌 기업들과 함께 

더 나은 서비스를 위해 일하고 있습니다.

WonJin’s News

You can see the current status of the construction site.

신안 수협 송공 위판장

조회수 973

해수취수 냉난방 여과시스템